60 Minutes Online Private Lesson


Book a private online session with Pavel Macek, StrongFirst Certified Master Instructor!

  • 60 minutes + follow up summary and program in .pdf


  • 60 minutes online session (Skype/Facetime/ZOOM), including follow up summary and program in .pdf
  • Kettlebell, bodyweight, barbell, and dumbbell coaching & programming
  • StrongFirst® Certifications Prep (SFG I, SFG II, SFB, SFL): technique standards & programming
  • Flexible Steel joint-mobility and flexibility coaching & programming
  • Second Wind & Oxygen Advantage® breathing exercises
  • Chinese martial arts, “internal arts” and health preservation habits & exercises
  • Lifestyle, nutrition, cold exposure, fasting, and other habits for health & longevity

How does online coaching work? 

Step #1

Please purchase the online lesson(s).

Step #2

After the payment, please reply with an email and suggest about 3 different days/times so we can schedule lessons. The usual times available are workdays (Monday to Friday), 6 AM to 3 PM CET (Central European Time).

  • Technology: Skype, FaceTime, or Zoom
  • Instruction: Please get all the training equipment that you want to use ready and set up the camera so I can clearly see your movements. Please have your notebook ready so you can take notes if necessary. Please prepare any questions you have.
  • After the online lesson, you will receive a .pdf summary with all important notes and links

One-Arm Dumbbell Swing Tutorial - Free Video & .pdf Manual