Modified Side Press [1946]

Modified Side Press [1946]

A modified version of the side press is one of the very best exercises. While this movement is one which in time will result in skill in bent pressing, while it is one of the best to build the triceps of the arm and the latissimus dorsi, it does not need to take a second place to any of them. Many people believe that a modified form of the side press is the very best shoulder developing exercise.

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Kettlebell Exercises and Their Place in Modern Weightlifting Sports [1928]

Kettlebell Exercises and Their Place in Modern Weightlifting Sports [1928]

Historically, kettlebells once held a very prominent place in weightlifting sports. When the “First Athletes’ Club,” under the guidance of Dr. Kraevsky, appeared in Russia in 1885—thus giving birth to weightlifting as a sport—there were fewer than ten training barbells in the entire country. There were quite a few globe barbells, but these were mostly used by circus professionals. Most of the first amateur strongmen in the provinces trained with kettlebells.

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Girl Once a Physical Wreck, Now Does Astonishing Feats, Easily Toys with Weighty Barbells [1899]

Girl Once a Physical Wreck, Now Does Astonishing Feats, Easily Toys with Weighty Barbells [1899]

One of these is the lifting of a big barbell from the floor with one hand, turning it and holding it high above the head without a tremor. This same barbell she then places upon the floor and lies down flat on her back with the bell at her head, and raises it with both hands until it is straight above her head, then holding it with one hand only, rises to a sitting and then a standing position with the bell high above her head still.

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Lying Down and Getting Up with a Barbell [1916]

Lying Down and Getting Up with a Barbell [1916]

This movement develops an athlete’s agility and flexibility and, at the same time, teaches them to maintain balance. It is performed as follows:

While holding a barbell with an extended arm above the head, lower yourself onto the opposite knee, using the palm of your free hand for support on the floor. Then, move from the palm to the elbow, simultaneously straightening the leg on the same side along the floor, while the other leg remains bent at the knee. Next, lower yourself from the elbow to the floor with both shoulder blades touching and stretch out both legs, keeping the barbell held with the extended arm.

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Arthur Saxon’s Dumbbell Overhead Swing Tutorials [1905 and 1908]

Arthur Saxon’s Dumbbell Overhead Swing Tutorials [1905 and 1908]

In swinging the dumbbell, the weight must be placed between the feet. The body then bends over from the waist, and a grip is taken of the bell close to the front sphere or disc. The bell may be rested on its end prior to swinging, and the disengaged hand should be pressed on the corresponding knee. 

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Paul Anderson – One-Arm Pressing Power

Paul Anderson – One-Arm Pressing Power

I have done a kind of half Military, half Side Press, during my public appearances. As a rule, this has been the most popular feat of strength that I do. I first started including it because it was a convenient thing to include since I could write ahead for the weights that I needed and take along a bar that was suitable for loading the plates on. I have a bar that is collapsible and can be put in a small briefcase. It is also convenient because it does not take up much room in a church sanctuary, where I often do several feats of strength along with my messages.

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W. A. Pullum: Dumbbell Squat

W. A. Pullum: Dumbbell Squat

Note that although the bells are held close to the shoulders, no support is afforded by the latter. Sometimes the dumb-bells are tipped so that the rear ends rest on the shoulders, but this is not recommended, as in most instances it results in a distortion of posture.

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W. A. Pullum, The Bent Press [1930]

W. A. Pullum, The Bent Press [1930]

The very first thing that the beginner should accept as a fact in connection with the “Bent Press” is that everyone can do it, if only the job is tackled in the right way. I mention this because I know that quite a number of people-otherwise good lifters among them-believe that it is a feat which can only be successfully accomplished by certain individuals who have been singularly blessed by Nature! The idea, though so common, is quite wrong! There is nothing to stop any man who has the full use of his four limbs learning this lift and eventually becoming good on it. That is, providing that he does not, at the commencement, attempt to rush matters.

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Let’s Give Weightless Squats a Chance [1970]

Let’s Give Weightless Squats a Chance [1970]

One of the oldest and least used exercises nowadays is the weightless deep knee bend. Yet, conscientious and regular use of this exercise can bring excellent results. There are several examples of famous athletes who have used this exercise almost exclusively for...

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W.L. Carquest’s Favorite Old School Leg Strength Exercises

W.L. Carquest’s Favorite Old School Leg Strength Exercises

Three of Carquest's [leg] exercises, as he rightly believes that the legs play an important part indeed in weight lifting.   1. Shows a splendid exercise which may be performed with dumb-bell or barbell of light but gradually increasing weight. Simply hold the...

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Edward Aston, The Bent Press: The Wrong Way & The Right Way [1948]

Edward Aston, The Bent Press: The Wrong Way & The Right Way [1948]

It is my opinion that the correct name for this lift should be the “Body Supporting-Arm Extending” lift. If you carefully analyze this title while looking at the photograph of the correct lifting method, you may easily see the reason for this name. The name “Bent Press” implies, pressing while bending. This, however IS NOT the case. First, the “bent” position is assumed and only then does the pressing begin.

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[CHALLENGE] #GGP108 Sun Salutations

[CHALLENGE] #GGP108 Sun Salutations

In many yoga schools, it has been customary to celebrate these key milestones of the year on the solstices and equinoxes by practicing 108 repetitions of Surya Namaskar, the "Sun Salutation" - and that's exactly what we will do. Ladies & gentlemen, please join our...

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Let’s Revive the Bent Press [1962]

Let’s Revive the Bent Press [1962]

The most important thing for a beginner is this, and bear this well in mind: When doing a bent press lift, there is absolutely no thought to be used in pushing the bell with arm power. The bell must remain at the same level in pushing as when it was first placed at shoulder height. The palm of the hand must face the head at this point, and the body must be pressed AWAY from the weight.

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