One of the secrets of the late Arthur Saxon’s enormous Bent Presses was that he relaxed his muscles as he leaned away from the bell. One gets so much further down that way, and the contraction of the arm and Latissimus, etc., comes in much later than the beginner ever realises.
This is so far the oldest oldest get-up tutorial I have been able to find, from Thomas Inch’ Scientific Weight Lifting, published in 1905. The book opens with following motto:
“The Glory of a Man is in his Strength. Be Strong.”
…and as all Kettlebell Simple & Sinister practitioners know, the get-up is one of the best means to move well, and move STRONG!
Inch teaches a common old-school strongman variation of get-down to get-up, and with a dumbbell.
The above photograph is the only one which has been published showing me with the bell at the shoulder in the act of pressing. In it I show how to take up a firm position with the feet, and it will be noticed that the right leg is straight contrary to the position generally assumed by the beginner attempting to learn the body press, and even by many a lifter who has had years of experience. In the photograph I show exactly where the elbow should be placed, and it does not require much imagination to gain a correct idea of how the body should fall in the downward direction.
Using the same dumb-bell (40 to 55 lb. in weight according to your strength and expertness), bring it to the shoulder with the right hand. Give it a slight jerk by first bending (only slightly) the legs, and then suddenly straighten them and push hard. As you do so, lean well over to your left, watching the dumb-bell carefully, the left hand being held out and away.
Place your left hand upon your left knee take hold of the bell with your right hand, and give it a little swing out to the front and slightly upwards. Allow it to return almost to the first position, but through the legs (keep it clear of the ground this time) and then swing the dumb-bell up to the front with a straight arm, right overhead.