W. A. Pullum: Dumbbell Squat

W. A. Pullum: Dumbbell Squat

Note that although the bells are held close to the shoulders, no support is afforded by the latter. Sometimes the dumb-bells are tipped so that the rear ends rest on the shoulders, but this is not recommended, as in most instances it results in a distortion of posture.

Health & Strength: Light vs. Heavy Dumbbells

Health & Strength: Light vs. Heavy Dumbbells

When you read about the incredible feats of the many old time strongman – and then you study their books – you will certainly notice that many of them recommend high rep exercises with very light weights, and only in the end occasionally mention lifting the heavy weights.

Did really Sandow achieved his incredible feats of strength by lifting light dumbbells?

One-Arm Dumbbell Swing Tutorial - Free Video & .pdf Manual