What Makes the Oriental Strong? The Indian Dands [1911]

What Makes the Oriental Strong? The Indian Dands [1911]

The best method for a beginner is to start with five dands the first day and go up to ten at the end of the first week… You will be quite surprised to hear that when last year I went to see Gama performing this exercise I began to count, and saw that he went on doing over 2,000 dands within three hours time.

“The Russian Lion” George Hackenschmidt [VIDEO]

“The Russian Lion” George Hackenschmidt [VIDEO]

In the golden age of professional wrestling, he was the most famous wrestler of them all. But George Hackenschmidt (1877-1968), aka “The Russian Lion,” was much more than that. A body builder, weightlifting champion, nutritionist, philosopher, and writer, he has been described by Terry Todd as “the outlier’s outlier,” and his story makes a worthy entry as Chapter 3 of the Rogue Legends Series.

One-Arm Dumbbell Swing Tutorial - Free Video & .pdf Manual