It is said that the key to the success in practice is a good method, a good teacher, and a good student. I am very lucky to have the best teachers and a great method. I am patiently working on being a better student, a better teacher, a better person.

StrongFirst – the School of Strength – is a school of personal development, hidden behind lifting iron. The principles, skills and values that I learned in StrongFirst, literaly changed my life.

Yesterday I was promoted to StrongFirst Senior instructor. It’s an honor to be part of the StrongFirst Team – I am very grateful and fortunate that my passion and job are one and the same.

Congratulations to all my StrongFirst colleagues.

Pavel, Eric, Brett, Nikki, Amanda, Craig, all my teachers, students, and friends, thank you for your trust.

Special thanks to StrongFirst Italy, where it all started for us.

Last but not least, thanks to my wife Justyna for her love, patience and support.

I am a student of Strength.

I am a quiet professional.

The way I carry my strength matters.

Strength has a higher purpose.


Yours in Health & Strength


PS: Today’s practice – Super Joints, Simple & Sinister 10×10 swings, 5×1 get-ups. Business as usual.

StrongFirst Team


One-Arm Dumbbell Swing Tutorial - Free Video & .pdf Manual