Thomas Inch’s Dumbbell Get-Up Tutorial [1905]

Thomas Inch’s Dumbbell Get-Up Tutorial [1905]

This is so far the oldest oldest get-up tutorial I have been able to find, from Thomas Inch’ Scientific Weight Lifting, published in 1905. The book opens with following motto: 

“The Glory of a Man is in his Strength. Be Strong.”

…and as all Kettlebell Simple & Sinister practitioners know, the get-up is one of the best means to move well, and move STRONG! 

Inch teaches a common old-school strongman variation of get-down to get-up, and with a dumbbell.

Health & Strength: Light vs. Heavy Dumbbells

Health & Strength: Light vs. Heavy Dumbbells

When you read about the incredible feats of the many old time strongman – and then you study their books – you will certainly notice that many of them recommend high rep exercises with very light weights, and only in the end occasionally mention lifting the heavy weights.

Did really Sandow achieved his incredible feats of strength by lifting light dumbbells?

Orlick/Weider: Abdominal Exercises for Strength and Power (1944)

Orlick/Weider: Abdominal Exercises for Strength and Power (1944)

The following exercises are of a strenuous nature and should be performed only by those who are already quite advanced in their training. Where number of repetitions are not given, repeat exercise until you have to strain and at this point stop and rest. Do this three or four times in succession with each exercise. In this way your body will act as its own barometer telling you pretty well what you can and what you cannot do. As the abdominal muscles grow stronger you will naturally be able to do more repetitions and at no time will you be forcing yourself beyond sensible physiological limits.

One-Arm Dumbbell Swing Tutorial - Free Video & .pdf Manual